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Review Daughter of chaos by Jen McConnel (BlogTour)

jueves, 10 de abril de 2014 |
de lectura

Title: Daughter of Chaos
Author: Jen McConnel
Language: English
Launch Date: 2014 March 25th
Goodreads | Amazon Paperback | Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble | iTunes | BookDepository | Kobo

NOTA: Este post fue escrito orginalmente en inglés, pero puedes leerlo en español usando el Traductor que está en la sidebar.

Witches must choose the path they will follow, and Darlena Agara is no exception. She’s been putting it off long enough, and in her case, ignoring it has not made it go away. In a moment of frustration, Darlena chooses to follow Red Magic, figuring she had outsmarted the powers that be, since there’s no such thing as Red Magic. But alas, Darlena’s wrong (again) and she becomes a newly declared Red Witch. 

Her friends are shocked and her parents horrified by the choice Darlena has made. As a Red Witch, she now governs one third of the world’s chaos. She is the walking personification of pandemonium, turmoil, and bedlam, just as the patrons of Red Magic would have it to be. 

But Darlena believes there must be more to Red Magic than chaos and destruction, and she sets out on a journey to achieve balance. Only doing so puts her at odds with the dark goddess Hecate, who simply will not allow Darlena to quit. She encourages Darlena to embrace who and what she is and to leave good magic to the good witches. If only Darlena could, life would be simple, and she would not be the Daughter of Chaos. 

 DAUGHTER OF CHAOS is the first in a YA paranormal trilogy.


The first thing i think when i saw the cover of this books was "This looks so dark" but it was the same reason for i decided to join to this booktour, i know, read in a language that isn´t my native language it's sometimes bored or confusing because i don't understand many words, but that wasn't a problem because when i was reading Daughter of chaos nothing of this care me (Even when i was carrying with my dictionary all day).

I love all the theme of magic, and mithology, how i mentioned before, it was the best part of the book, but Darlena... i don't know how explain it, i can love the character but i can hate the character too, in many parts she was annoying at the point that i want to punch her face or at least throw my shoe at the head.

how the link between Darlena and his family shows I found very interesting because it feels real, not a perfect family shows, but perfectly real families, with discussions that are fixed in seconds even if it lasted for hours, and that 's saying a lot because sometimes authors try to idealize a lot in his books, but here is a portrait of everyday life, even for families that do not have an heiress daughter of Chaos

The story, how you can see in the synopsis is really interesting, have a lot of twists in every page and to be the first book of the series exceeded my expectations. I don't understand well how red magic works, but it was an insignificant detail when you do the comparison with the writing style and the concept of the magic that is presented in the book.

Jenn Mcconel

Jen McConnel first began writing poetry as a child. Since then, her words have appeared in a variety of magazines and journals, including Sagewoman, PanGaia, and The Storyteller (where she won the people’s choice 3rd place award for her poem, “Luna”).

She is also a former reviewer for Voices of Youth Advocates (VOYA), and a proud member of SCBWI, NCWN, and SCWW.

 A Michigander by birth, she now lives and writes in the beautiful state of North Carolina. She's a graduate of Western Michigan University, and she also earned her MS in Library Science at Clarion University of Pennsylvania.

When she isn't crafting worlds of fiction, she teaches writing composition at a community college. Once upon a time, she was a middle school teacher, a librarian, and a bookseller, but those are stories for another time.

Follow Jen on Twitter @Jen_McConnel, and visit www.jenmcconnel.com to learn more.


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